Page name: Sociopaths United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-08 19:31:11
Last author: LiLPsychoke
Owner: circus snatch
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 18
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WHY HELLLOOOO... perhaps some of you may be wondering:
What Exactly is a SOCIOPATH
Well frankly darling we're just those people who dont give a shit.

A sociopath is intellegent:
mind-manipulating cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath, an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers.
Since they appear apparently normal, they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed.

We have a certain superficial charm, manilpulative or cunning behavior, no shame, no guilt, I'm sure we feel a little thing now and again, maybe a bit of a God Complex.

But most of all WE'RE DAMN SEXY!

Now.. if this discribes you AT ALL. Please by all means join..

Sociopaths United!!!


[circus snatch]
[Comrade Sam]
[Blue Fish]
[Shade Wolf]
[Nani- the half-demon neko]
[Same old same old!]
[apple babble]
[georgie porgie]
Banner!!!!! *points* down there... see? -.-... good
[Blue Raspberries and Grape Juice]


WE HAVE A WINNER!! [Blue Fish] gets my love and adoration forever and ever until I get bored.

OH YES AND FOR ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN AND PLEASE DO!!! PLEASE MESSAGE ME TELLING ME SO, oh and if you can make it interesting like, why you think you should be part of Sociopaths United. ^.^ We all should get a nice kick out of it. ^.^ - [circus snatch]

Username (or number or email):


2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *holds her boobilies and hides*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: *hooks electrodes to mikes boobies and gets ready to attach other end to car battery*

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *smakes shades hand and grabs his nipple and gives him a Texas Tornado Titty Twister and growls* NO TOUCHY HER BOOBIES...those are mine...go grab deadlies boobies

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *hides good against mikey*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: *hooks other end to battery* Bye ,Mike.

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *reaches and cuts wire*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: BaTCH!

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *he grabs barbwire and wraps it around shades hand and to the hook* If i go bye you go bye ^.^

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *pimp jenni smacks both of them* bad batches bad!

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *cowards and hides his head under teh pillow with is giant silver tail between his legs*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Mawahaha,I think Torturing my bro and sis.... *shakes Violently.* Help me,must gain controll... *Turns back to Normal* Hey Mike,Jenn,why do you have Electrodes attached to your chest?

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *cuddles up to mikey and kissies*

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *puts a big magical shield around his hammock with protection from all outside people and thingies +7

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: ^.^

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: *uses walk through walls LV +8

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: cant do that its a protection...all D&D style you cant get past it

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: ...

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: *Uses Dispell Magic 24' Radius*

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *pulls out a black saphire and pulls ito ut of a case *BAM NO MORE MAGIC WHILE I HOLD THIS *grabs a hammer and builds a super fast titanium wall ^.^

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: hehehehehehe

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Hey,Mike,Do you hate me?

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: teehee

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: No I dont hate you, just no touchy her boobies or kisses or her butt...oh wait no touchy her belly see that spots mine..her feet lower legs and arms and head you can mess with see i share but dont get ot :p ^.^ i dont hate you so dont worry im just playing

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: I never touched her butt or her belly,this is the first time I touched her breasts,and I only kissed her cheek.

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: no you didnt specify where you kissed her *nods* I got proof too unles you magically change it..dun dun dun :p well no touchy her boobies *turns all chibi and jumps in jennis bra and sets up and gunner seat and chibi anti aircraft gun between them and puts on a helmet with a radar system*

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: O_O

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Hey Deadly.


2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: ^_^....just for you Mike!

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: What The Hell?

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: lol...dun dun dum mentos the fresh maker...wait kermit needs stain remover...white stuff is going to get all over his green self

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Who is Kermit cheating on Ms.Piggy with?

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *blinkes*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: <--

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: ...

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: thats my mom

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Oh,okay. Who recorded it?

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: ok ok, your mom gets the small thin wangage :p lol

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: my cat recorded it...yeah

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: I bleed!

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: ...?*Sucks on where she bleeds*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: You Bleed?

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *mike ish sucking on her shoulder*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *eyes roll back into her head a little* whee

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: BLEEDING! YAY!

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *kisses it once hte licks it then nibbles then sucks again* YAY I SUCK ^>^

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: What about you Jenn,you hate me?

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: nope

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *ish tired*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Yay,*hugs*

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *falls back in the hammock laying there on mass of pillows and yawns big*

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: *hugs Mike*

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: *hugs back*...Huggle

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: Hugs Jenn.

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *yawns big*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: hug hug

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: *sings 'We Are Family"* Remind me not to do that again.

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: Wow...die...right now

2004-03-17 [Shade Wolf]: I feel like it.

2004-03-17 [jumpy little pixie]: hi im sick my friend want to tell you that you can have a healthy colon

2004-03-17 [jumpy little pixie]: bif

2004-03-17 [jumpy little pixie]: hi i want to go to the place with paded walls can you take me there

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: nope sorry

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: I am god and therefore damn you and your sick colon XD

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: PENIS!!!

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: VAGINA

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: YAY!

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: I challenge your penis with my vagina! Let us fight!!!

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: ...i see your schwartz is just as big as mine! *hums the darth vader theme song*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: LONE STAR! Use the SCHWARTZ!!! dinkdink de de dedink dink dink dink

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: May the schwartz be with you! *turns into yogurt*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: yogurt! I hate yogurt! expecially with strawberries...

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: heh heh. We must comb the desert!!!

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: we aint found shit

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: *stares at the giant fro pick*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *sticks it in giant afro and pimp walks down the street*

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: Wheehihihooo! *dresses in pink leater pants and a very ghetto looking halter top* Hey baby...20 dollas I'll make ya holla.

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *pimp jenni smacks you* Bizatch you is MY hoe! *combs afro coolly* Im unda cova

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: Why ya'll up in ma grill?! i ain't got ma money dis week, bruddah! You best gets it to me befo I get all hostile on yo ass! *does finger snappy thing*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: bizitch I got hoes in diffarent arrea codes

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *kicks pimp cane and swings it around sexidelicly*

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: Oh now you din't go an dis me! *storms off, accidentally trips in her 5 foot tall clog hopper shoes, falls over, hurts her syllicone boobies, and dies* X_X

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *pimp walks over your body* One down 904,579.69 cities to go be-OTCH

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: *twitches*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *gets shot in the afro* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: OH MY GOD! THE WEAK SPOT! *stares at*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: I'm meltin yo I'm meltin get a bottle of ChrystAL to put me in yo.... *gurgles and dies all ghetto like*

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: *gets fried chicken instead* This will help!

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *comes back to life combin afro again* What took you so long biATCH? *takes bucket of chicken*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *looks around* anyone got some collagreens??

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: *gives some* ^_^

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *turns white and goth again* BATCH *humps trike* ^.^ *humps mike* *sniffles* WHYYYYY????

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: Yay! She's not a scary pimp anymore! *humps her*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *humps back* eeyay!

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: YAY!

2004-03-17 [Blood Angel]: ..............*sat there in his hammock raising his eyebrow the whole time.* Yall are some wacked wiggas.....

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *sits in her tower with some koolaid*

2004-03-17 [DeadlyAlucard]: *humps Jenni then frollicks away*

2004-03-17 [circus snatch]: *was humped* *runs and sits on Mikes lap*


2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: you are a monkey!!

2004-03-18 [Blood Angel]: im lost....*drinks his pink lemonade koolaid...*

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: *drinks Mikey*

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: mmmm

2004-03-18 [Blood Angel]: i tastey

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: *huggles* I be good

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: *hides*

2004-03-18 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2004-03-18 [Blood Angel]: ello

2004-03-18 [Shade Wolf]: Wassup?

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: *hides in mike's pants*

2004-03-18 [Shade Wolf]: Hey Jenn,you know your feet are hanging out of Mike's Pants?

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: are not! *goes back into hiding*

2004-03-18 [Shade Wolf]: *tickles Jenn's foot*

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: AH! *hides completely in mike pants* *hidden*

2004-03-18 [Shade Wolf]: Mike,what is that?

2004-03-18 [Blood Angel]: *looks in his pants* Oh its just jenn holding onto the lil ninja :p

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: NIN NIN!!!

2004-03-18 [DeadlyAlucard]: eeee! NIN!!!!

2004-03-18 [DeadlyAlucard]: wait...what?

2004-03-18 [circus snatch]: NIN NIN is from a hentai ^.^ and he reminded me of Mikey so I call Mikey NIN NIN, hes my little sex ninja ^.^

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: LIL NINJA HORNY BRUCE LEE STYLE....*does a lil stance with a hard on showing and jenni in his pants *WHAAAAAA

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: O.O *looks a little scared*

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: lol

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: *humps Jenni* I STOLE HER FROM YOU MIKE!!!! >.< *runs away with her*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *humps amber as shes running*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: WHEE!

2004-03-19 [Farewell]: lmao. you all crack me up. lmao humping huh? now that sounds interesting

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *humps steve and runs and jumps back onto amber*

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: YAY!!! *romps around pretending she's a horsie*

2004-03-19 [Farewell]: lol.  i feel so dirty and used. such a great and familiar feeling :P

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *rides amber like a horsie* wheeee

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: *sings camptown races*

2004-03-19 [Farewell]: *watch intently*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: DOO DA

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: 0.o.......goes all bruce lee and jumps around swaying his arms around* WHAAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAA WHAAA, YOu all shall fall *he does his lil mouth motion without any noise* Whaaa

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *jumps off Amber and gets into stance opposite mike making little head and mouth motion* yooooOOOooo

2004-03-19 [Farewell]: lol.  aight yall. im out take it easy, or any way you can get it ;)

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: ah ha ha ha oh I get it alright XD

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: lol oh yea we will....*jumps jenni and bites her shoulder*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: eep!

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *bites neck hard and huggles*

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: *Hugs back spinning her around and bites up and down the neck*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: wheee

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: aiyo

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: *takes his teeth out of jenni's neck and looks at his bro* Ello *he goes back to sucking on her neck with his arms around her like no ones around*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *closes one eye and looks up at shade waving* hi... oh thats nice.. >.o

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Vampric Reunion and you didn't invite more women and I?

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: ...I missed something, I know it!

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *touches the back of mikes head* I dont share

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Hey Deadly Welcome to Vampire House.

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *bites amber's footsie*

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: *smiels and kisses up her neck and turns her head around slowly and kisses jenni then pulls back and looks at them " I dont share either " and he kisses jenni again*

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: *offers a lollipop to a little kid*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *kisses back twice* mwa!

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: My Lollypop!

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: mwa, *he puts his chin on her shoulder and runs his hands up and down her sides slowly*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *holds mikey close and licks his neck* laaaaaaaa

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Get a room you two!

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: EEEP! NO CYBER SEX IN THE PUBLIC WIKI!!! >.<

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Can I have your Lolly ,Deadly?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: ha fat chance, you rape cactasus and everything else

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: ^.^

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: MY LOLLI! *shoves it in her hoo hoo* O_O

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: O.O you have one of those too!!!???

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: XD

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: 0.0

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *smoochies*

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: YEAH!!! *dances around Jenni*

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: *smoochies back*

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: ^.^ amber ish my lesbian *sings it*

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Amber got a Lollipop for me?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: and im just the man a skirt

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Cute,Mike,real cute. Are you sure it's not a Kilt?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: nope not a kilt....jenni has a picture of it drawn out on my HardCore Jester, its all pimpa fied

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: What next Fishnets?

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: nope thats me

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: I'm gaining good progress on that picture baby I'll bring home the sloppy copy tomorrow for the weekend so you can see *nods*

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: no thats her...see i have a manly skirt that im going to get in my own style and im going to show you

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: Go here its on this page...the guy with the keyboard...

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: The link is dead. Oh Jenn in Fishnets?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: ...Copy and paste it

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: <img:>

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: yeah jenni in fishnets, you paste it in the bar *points up to the top of your screen* ^.^

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: teehee baby I dont know what to make your skirt out of

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: what colour would you want?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: make it any color you want....and out of any matireal you want.

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: What is with this pic.

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: it is a mighty band called Sonata Arctica and watching the guitarist and keyboardest play gives you eye oragasms

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Okay,what are you on?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: Nothing im serious, if you watch them they are so fast and it seems impossible

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Maybe in concert.

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: black ok? was it you who didnt like the bondage straps?

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: dude, i watched them play on a live concert video and the song was san sebastian and im like *drools* MY GOD ORAGASM.....thats like gave me a level 3 oragasm only jenni can give me a lvl one ^.^

2004-03-19 [DeadlyAlucard]: ORGASMS! YAY!

2004-03-19 [circus snatch]: *shifty eyes* shhhhh

2004-03-19 [Shade Wolf]: Okay.

2004-03-19 [Blood Angel]: hehe...

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